Chapter 7: Storage

Storage is a place to store information. So…it is a storage. You know, the place where we store our stuffs and all that. But, this storage only allow us to store information and data. There are 5 types of storage. 1. Cloud Storage. A model of data storage in which the digital data is stored […]

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Chapter 6: Operating System

Operating system or also known as OS. It is something that can be considered as a necessity for any computers. Without it, the computer is unusable and will be useless. Hmm why we need OS anyway? The is because the OS is needed for: Start and shut-down computer Providing user interface Managing program Managing memory […]

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Chapter 4: Output Device

So, first let’s us understand what is actually output. As the name goes, it is the outcome of an input. So it is a processed data from computer. Meanwhile, output device is a hardware that allow the user to send out the processed data (output) out of computer. These output can take in the form […]

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Chapter 3: Input Device

  An input device is any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing you to interact with and control the computer. Some input devices that we are familiar with are mouse and keyboard. But, did you know? There are various kind of other input devices that we are unaware of? There are 8 […]

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Chapter 2: The Processing Unit

The processing unit is the system contained in the computer. It consists of hardware and software. What are these two things? Hardware is the components in a computer such as motherboard…hard disk.The picture below shows the hardware contained in a CPU. The software is programs that is installed in a computer. You may also call […]

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction To ICT

Technology is basically anything that we created to make our life easier and better. Even a simple tool such as pens is already counted as a technology. But, let’s focus on IT. The IT is the technologies that use computers, storage, network, infrastructure, processes, and methods in order to accomplish tasks and objectives. The first […]

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