CHAPTER 1: Introduction To ICT


Technology is basically anything that we created to make our life easier and better. Even a simple tool such as pens is already counted as a technology. But, let’s focus on IT. The IT is the technologies that use computers, storage, network, infrastructure, processes, and methods in order to accomplish tasks and objectives.

The first thing that comes to our mind when we talk about IT should be the computer right? Everyone should already know about computer. But, did you aware that there are many types of computer in this world? I will show you the types of computers in this era.


As for the first 3 types of computers on above, I’m sure that we already aware of its existences. But, for the 4 types of computers on the below ones, only some of us know about it.

A server is an instance of a computer program that accepts and responds to requests made by another program, known as a client. Less formally, any device that runs server software could be considered a server as well. Servers are used to manage network resources. We can see the example of the uses of server such as cloud storage.

For supercomputer….hmm basically it is just a normal computer with such a huge performance. It is so fast that you can access to thousands of information in a few seconds. It is because it supported multi-tasking.

For the embedded computer, it is the things that contained in all electronics appliances like our phone. Basically, it have information to conduct the instruction given by us (users) like pushing button.

As for the mainframe, it is used by big companies for critical applications, bulk data processing, such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and transaction processing. The data contained in the server is very secured. So, banks used this server to save the data of our bank accounts.


From here, we can see how our life changed by the innovations of technologies in the world.

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