Chapter 4: Output Device

So, first let’s us understand what is actually output. As the name goes, it is the outcome of an input. So it is a processed data from computer. Meanwhile, output device is a hardware that allow the user to send out the processed data (output) out of computer. These output can take in the form of image, text, sound, graphics and video. Examples of output devices:

So as for the output of an image, it depends on the resolution. So, what is resolution?

Well, resolution is the number of pixels contained in the picture. By the way, pixels is the square-like element that combined to form an image. So, the greater the resolution, the more number of pixels. Thus, the better the quality of the image.

Example of comparison between different resolution:



So, how does the number of pixels in an image affects the quality of an image. The secret lies on the dot pitch of the pixels. Dot pitch? What is that? pitch is the diagonal distance between pixels of the same colour on the screen. So, the more pixels in an image, the lesser the dot pitch (blank space between two pixels . Because the pixels will be packed greater together when their number in an image is too much.

But, did you know that a printer does not determine its output by pixels? Because, they uses the Dots per Inch (DPI). In short, printers with higher DPI produce clearer and more detailed output.

But, if you ever considered on buying a printer, make sure that you also check on the speed to process the output. It is measured by the Pages Per Minute (ppm). The higher the ppm, the faster the printer.

Laser printer have greater DPI and ppm compared to Ink-jet printer. But, the Ink-jet printer is cheaper. So, choose the one that suites you well.


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