Chapter 5: Working With Application

A computer. Hmm…did you ever imagine what will it be like if your computer does not have any software (applications)? YEAH, it will feels like eating plain rice without any dishes. So, I’m sure you should already realized on how much important is the software for you.


Software is a set of instructions that tells computer on what to do depending on the given orders. These instructions is called programs.

The software can be divided into:

  • System Software
  • Application Software

1.System Software

System software is the operating system (OS) that allows the parts of a computer to work together by performing tasks. Examples are like transferring data between memory and disks or rendering output onto a display device. It provides a platform to run high-level system software and application software. So the examples of system software are:

2.Application Software

The application software can be divides as below:



It is a program that allow users to perform various tasks. We usually use these software in home, school and business. The examples are:


B.Financial and Business Related

These software is used to perform business-like task. So, not many of us are aware of the existence of these software type. Normally, different industry use different specialized programs. The software used are such as:


C.Graphics And Multimedia

The graphics is used to design and create attractive documents, images, illustrations and web pages. While multimedia is for video editing, animation and audio. The examples of these two software are:

D.Educational and References

As the name goes it is in the form of training and learning software. Examples are:


Hmm..well it provide users with entertainment. That’s it. You can either downlaod or play it online. Examples are:


So, it is for connecting people from different location with others and work together. The examples are..well I’m pretty sure that we are fond with these types of software:

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