Chapter 6: Operating System

Operating system or also known as OS. It is something that can be considered as a necessity for any computers. Without it, the computer is unusable and will be useless. Hmm why we need OS anyway?

The is because the OS is needed for:

  • Start and shut-down computer
  • Providing user interface
  • Managing program
  • Managing memory
  • Coordinate tasks
  • Configuring devices
  • Monitor performances
  • Establish an Internet connection

In the end we can say that it plays an important role on ensuring the system works isn’t it? So, let us see on types of OS available in our era.

1. Stand-alone 

This type of OS is mainly used in Personal Computer (PC). We can also conclude that it is an OS for PC. The examples are:

2. Server

This type of OS is not exposed well to the public. But, it does exist in our PC’s nowadays.Without this type of OS, we can’t connect to the internet as is designed to support network. The examples are as shown:

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3. Embedded 

This OS…hmm simply said it is a OS for our mobile devices, which is our smartphones. Examples are:


Utilities it is a type of system software. This software enables us to perform maintenance-type tasks. This is usually related to managing a computer, its devices or its programs. Simply said like changing our wallpaper for our laptop.

Well, for more details, the utilities provides functions of:

  • Managing files
  • Install / uninstall programs
  • Defragmenting disks / cleaning up disk
  • Setting up screen savers
  • Burning CD
  • Protecting against viruses


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