Chapter 7: Storage

Storage is a place to store information. So…it is a storage. You know, the place where we store our stuffs and all that. But, this storage only allow us to store information and data. There are 5 types of storage.

1. Cloud Storage.

A model of data storage in which the digital data is stored in logical pools. It is  a cloud computing model in which data is stored on remote servers accessed from the internet or “cloud”. These cloud storage are so big and could be stored or retrieved via internet. The whole size of a cloud storage like Google Drive could reach to 1 Exabytes (1, 075,200, 000 GB). Wow. Imagine how big is that storage is. Let’s look on some of others cloud storage.


Hmm..quite a lot isn’t it? Try to think on what could be filled in one of those cloud storage. We can fill it with one of these:

  • 4.2 million of 256 GB Macbook Pro hard drive
  • 16.8 million of 64 GB iPhone 4S
  • 213.4 million of 5 GB HD movie files
  • 268.4 million of 4 GB Flash drive
  • 1.6 billion of 700 MB of 80 minute compact disc
  • 14.1 billion of 78 MB Carly Rae Jepsen ‘Kiss’ album
  • 180.2 billion of 6.1 MB Hi-Res photo
  • 366.5 billion of 3 MB MP3

2. Hard disk

Ever wondered why it is called as ‘hard’? It is actually to differentiate it with the soft disk. This is due to soft disk can store lesser data in it than hard disk. So the term of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ is the same thing as saying it is ‘big’ and ‘small’. This type of storage is not as big as cloud storage, but it is still big. These hard disks come with 500GB (Gigabytes) to 3TB (Terabytes) size. The example of hard disk:

Well the size of these hard disk is about our hand palm. So, it’s not too big to be carried around. Well let’s see on things that can be filled into this hard disk:


3. Magnetic Stripe Cards & Smart Cards

Hmm..I’m pretty sure that almost all of us already have this. We can find this storage at:

Of course, in your ATM card and your Identification Card (IC). The storage size of smart card is so small, which is only 140 bytes. On the other hand, the storage size of magnetic size is unlimited. Well, I hope this information answers on why do these thin card is important to us. It is due to our personal information is stored in these tiny storage. The data in smart card and magnetic stripes are very secured. So that your personal information will be protected from theft or hackers.

4. Memory Card

Memory card or known as flash memory card, or the name that is common to us, SD Card is a small storage that can hold up data from 2 GB to 512 GB. Normally, it is used in portable devices such as digital cameras, tablets, and smartphones. Here are the examples of memory card:

5. Optical Disks

We rarely use this type of storage in this era. But, somehow it is still being used by the film industry to store some movies. The common examples of this storage are:

It save the data as patterns of dots. These dots can be read using light which is a laser beam. Most of PC can read this storage. It also enable us to access the data faster than magnetic tape.But, everything has it cons. This storage can store lesser amount of data in it compared to hard disk. It also is not strong as it can break easily when applied too much force on the disk itself.

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